Mission Statement

Gloria Dei is an ecumenical group of Spiritual Directors who seek to increase awareness of Christian Spiritual Direction and make it more available in community.  Gloria Dei provides referrals for Direction, retreats and teaching programs; and acts as a networking forum for the Spiritual Direction community.

Our Spiritual Directors

Lisa Prince
Lisa Prince is director and founder of Gloria Dei Community. She has been a spiritual director for 20 years completing her internship at Our Lady of Grace Monastery (1998-2000). She has also trained as an enneagram teacher and practitioner with author Helen Palmer and the Narrative Enneagram. She teaches spiritual formation classes and runs a local chapter of the Thomas Merton Society. Lisa lives a contemplative life and sees her journey in silence, solitude and prayer as integral to her spiritual direction ministry. While Lisa enjoys sitting with many types of people, her particular focus has been with individuals suffering grief and loss and those with vocations in Christian ministry.

Sue Armstrong
God uses many paths to guide us in our search for truth, and Sue’s was “a winding one with a childhood in an agnostic family, and few contacts with people who talked outwardly about spirituality.” After marriage and family, and more time abroad, Sue had a personal encounter with God which, as C.S. Lewis describes, “surprised me with joy.” Since then, her own journey to grow in faith has led her through many denominations, and to a Spiritual Director who has companioned Sue along her path. As a result of that gift, she trained at the Our Lady of Grace Monastery in 2010-2011, and feels enormously privileged when she can journey with someone else.

Dave Gall
Dave received his Spiritual Direction training at Our Lady of Grace Monastery (2019-2020) in Beech Grove, Indiana. He is active in church leadership  at Zionsville Presbyterian Church and for the past 25 years has been active in missions and evangelism in Romania. He has come to realize that our life’s journey is also our love’s journey and in discovery of our true self. He understands that each of us is uniquely created by God and that our life journey is one of Spiritual Transformation (evolution). Dave has been influenced by authors such as Thomas Merton, C.G Jung, C.S Lewis, Thomas Keating, Richard Rohr, Brene Brown and also many of the saints of history. Dave also serves as a spiritual director at Marian University’s San Damiano scholarship program. Dave and his Joan live in Zionsville. They have three sons and eight grandchildren

Holly Hamilton
Holly’s career has been at home raising her three children, investing in the spiritual practices of prayer and meditation and studying the Christian mystics. She developed and led a course on contemplation entitled Christian Meditation: Creating Space for Connection, at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago. She is an attorney and registered civil and domestic mediator who has provided pro bono counsel to clients through the Christian Legal Clinic in Indianapolis. Her interest in mediation comes from growing up in the diverse community of Gary, Indiana, instilling in her a passion for bridging divides. She has attended seminars including, Racial Justice and the Vocabulary of Faith, Understanding Systemic Racism and Building Networks for Social Change. Holly has hosted a silent retreat and been accepted by the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation to study Transforming Community: Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats. [Photo with civil rights leader, Congressman John Lewis.]

Connie Hintz
Like many of us, Connie has found herself in times of spiritual darkness. After one such period of her life, she felt a keen desire for spiritual growth and wholeness, rather than intellectual certainty. This led her to receive training as a Spiritual Director from the Institute for Spiritual Leadership in Chicago. As Connie says, “Spiritual Direction was the gift I needed, and now I wish to pass it along to others.” She also has a Masters in Spirituality from Loyola University. Currently, Connie keeps busy with various book groups and her role on the steering committee for the C.S. Lewis Society of Central Indiana. Reading is her favorite pastime, with C.S. Lewis, Thomas Merton, Thomas Keating and David Benner numbering among her favorite authors. Although a member of the Presbyterian Church, Connie is comfortable sitting with directees from any Christian tradition.

Stan Johnson
Stan Johnson is a Presbyterian pastor, with degrees from UC Berkeley (B.A.), Princeton Theological Seminary (M.Div.), the University of Notre Dame (M.A.), and Louisville Theological Seminary (D.Min.).  He has had a life-long appreciation for the Scriptures, and later for Protestant/Reformed theology (e.g. Calvin, Bonhoeffer, and Barth), combined with a forty-year appreciation for and use of New Testament Greek.  He has pastored in California, Indiana, and Massachusetts, and presently has been enriched by the ministries and fellowship of Zionsville Presbyterian Church. Recently he has been led to train as a spiritual director, and is now pleased to provide spiritual direction in association with Gloria Dei.  Regularly he provides direction for pastors and theological students in Romania, India, Korea, and the Philippines, as well as in the US. With his wife, Mary, he delights in their children and seven grandchildren. He and Mary now live in Noblesville, Indiana.

Wes Kendall
Wes received his certificate in spiritual direction from St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in May of 2020, but his interest and participation in spiritual direction goes back many years. As an ordained and active minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), Wes sees spiritual direction as the heart of all good pastoral ministry and a much needed service for those seeking to deepen their awareness of God. As a space for deep listening in an often crowded world, Wes offers spiritual direction for those living west of Indianapolis. He is particularly interested in working with individuals experiencing crisis in faith or who are seeking deeper ways to pray and engage with God in everyday life. He and his wife have two children. Together, they see their calling as “seeking the welfare” of their community in Greencastle and Putnam County through their lives and service.

Steve Krusie
Steve Krusie received his certification in spiritual direction from the Charis program in Southeast Texas in June 2014. He moved to Indiana in September 2015 and is a member of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Indianapolis. Steve serves as a spiritual director at Marian University for men in the San Damiano scholarship program and for adults in his private practice. His faith formation has been deeply influenced by his pilgrimages to both Assisi and Israel. He has also recently completed a three-year study of the “25 Books Every Christian Should Read” curated by spiritual contemporaries such as Beebe, Foster, Rohr and Willard. Steve believes the Holy Spirit is calling him to be in direction with seekers grappling with the polarizing tensions dividing congregations and our country, especially in terms of reconciling with the Gospel message. Steve is available to meet in person or online.

Marilyn Ryerson
While Marilyn is no longer accepting new spiritual directees, she remains a vital part of our community. She has a master’s degree in counseling with graduate work in pastoral studies. She is a retired licensed mental health counselor, a certified Enneagram instructor, a certified EMDR counselor and a spiritual director. Marilyn was the founder and director of Triage, Inc., a nonprofit counseling and mentoring ministry. She has authored two books, The Years the Locusts Have Eaten and Welcome Home Tommy, also published as Revelations from Heaven’s Doorway. She has provided counseling, spiritual mentoring, lectures and seminars on a variety of spiritual and emotional issues for over 30 years.

Dave Streit
Dave’s training in Spiritual Direction at Our Lady of Grace Monastery (2013-2014) marked another point in a spiritual journey that has intersected several faith traditions, including Roman Catholicism and mainline Protestantism (Presbyterian). He feels blessed to have learned from wonderful saints in these and other traditions, along with many others who have fostered in him, the art of Spiritual Direction. He currently accompanies future Directors learning this art in his role as a facilitator in the Spiritual Direction Internship program in Beech Grove, Indiana. Dave is particularly led to sit with those who are at a crossroads in their faith and desire to hear God’s call to a deeper, richer spiritual life. Like many Directors, Dave is an avid reader and counts St. John of the Cross, The Cloud of Unknowing, Thomas Merton, Meister Eckhart and Richard Rohr among his biggest influences.

Maureen Watson
Maureen completed her spiritual direction training through the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in 2007.  In addition to individual spiritual direction, Maureen serves as a teacher, retreat speaker and author.  She is the proud mother of two adult sons.  “As a most basic commitment, I believe that God IS present in our everyday lives and that listening and looking together for God is the greatest contribution a director can make with a directee.  I believe that nothing is wasted (John 6:12) and that our journey will rarely be a straight line, but in following the bends in the road we will find treasures hidden in the darkness (Isaiah 45:3) that those who are racing through life looking only for the things of this world will miss.  Life is richer when we stop to lean into God’s presence and rest.”

Seana Zoderer
Seana describes her spiritual journey as a winding path, but she has found living a contemplative life has graced her with an abundance of love. She seeks stillness in nature and can often be found enjoying God’s beautiful creation in what she lovingly refers to as “The Church of my Backyard.” She enjoys writing about her spiritual journey and sharing inspiration on her Facebook page and website, Love Opens My Heart. Seana received her Spiritual Direction training at Our Lady of Grace Monastery in 2019-2020 and believes one of the most important aspects of spiritual direction is listening with the ears of your heart. Spiritual direction has been a healing source within her own life, and she feels blessed to have the opportunity to journey with others. One of her favorite ways to describe Spiritual Direction is with a quote from Ram Dass, “We’re all just walking each other home.”